Hi Jürgen,

On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 02:47:45PM +0100, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> Hi,
> do anybody know if Hunspell is also used and necessary on MacOS?
> I noticed some build problems after the latest update and did a
> build without --enable-hunspell. The build breaks in
> lingucomponent/.../macspellimpl.cxx

it was me who removed the dependency on hunspell there. 
By reading the sources (I don't have a MacOS, and never will) in
that code has no dependency at all in libhunspell.

The dependency on hunspell was spread all over the components there,
sure a bug of copy-and-pasting the makefiles.

So you should be able to build the MacOSXSpell component without
hunspell enabled, and spell checking should work with only this
component installed. Otherwise, its a bug (I tested the changes both on
Linux and WinXP and the three components can be build and installed
independently form each other; the same should work in MacOS).
> There was still a dependency to some types defined in Hunspell. I
> tried to fix that and was able to build...

that's quite strange. Do you have the logs?
Was it a clean build?

The dependency on hunspell should now be only limited to
trunk/main/lingucomponent/source/spellcheck/spell/ that is the only UNO
component that interfaces with libhunspell.
All the other code in lingusitic and lingucomponent should work out fo
the box without hunspell.

> But it seems that spellchecking doesn't work, 

for spell checking to work you need the dictionaries (I have no idea
what kind of dictionaries supports MacOS), but without dictionaries
installed the UNO component are not even listed in Tools - Options
- Linguistic - Writing Aids

> and also redlining doesn't work. 

AFAIK redlining does not depend on spell checking

> Before i take a closer look in this problem i would
> like to know if it should work without Hunspell in general.

AFAIK it should, just look at the sources, macspellimp.hxx and
macspellimp.cxx have no reference to hunpsell (the references I removed
- look at the log - where there just because of a copy-and-paste error
from the hunspell spell checker; the same is valid for the makefile.mk).

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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