Hi Dave;

--- Lun 19/12/11, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> ha scritto:

> Hi Pedro,
> Let's be clear - we need to leave the current page alone as
> it is the legacy 3rd party licenses and must be retained.

Not really:

We should not carry the LGPL license text but instead link
to the FSF. We can, and should, remove all information
concerning Oracle Contributor Agreement (OCA) which is not
relevant anymore. Also a lot of the 3rd party code is outdated
and not even the older OOo releases carry it. In addition to
the NOTICE file, the cleanups I did here:


should be a good starting point. (I haven't removed
some stuff like Xalan as we may end up using it later.)

> > 
> > The icon coloring campaign will suffer, sorry :(
> Do the icon coloring that is more important. There is no
> hurry with this it is for release prep and Dennis has a good
> point about the LICENSE and NOTICE files being the proper
> source.

I will leave the initial coloring fun to Drew.

Actually there's another of my pet projects taking more
time lately and I want to spend more time catching the
Christmas spirit before it's too late ;).

Huge hats off for all the job you and the other guys have
been doing though!


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