On 2011-12-23 5:13 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
Juergen, et al., We used to have on Ye Olde a pr@ list charged with
drafting and then sending out, first in En, then in other tongues
announcements related to OOo releases, etc.
Apache of course maintains its own PR machinery.
So, obvious question: What is the logistic to coordinate or to work
with the Apache release PR, should we want to do that?
One might look in the obvious place:
However please realize that as a podling, you do not necessarily get the
same level of support as a top level Apache project, and similarly the
Apache Incubator has some restrictions on the formal types of press
activities a podling can normally do.
But I have and idea. Why not make a blog post, and then use the new
announce list (and various social media channels) to tell this story?
- Shane