On 2011-12-23, at 19:41 , Shane Curcuru wrote:

> But I have and idea.  Why not make a blog post, and then use the new announce 
> list (and various social media channels) to tell this story?

That is what we did at an early stage in the PR evolution, before we worked 
with professional (costly/pro-bono) PR agencies. We maintained--and I still 
have it in my Blogger account--newsletter.blogspot; prior to that, I maintained 
newsletter@openoffice and so on.

I'd be interested if others would want to rekindle the PR steam engine and 
start anew. I am much, much less involved in this project's doings, now, fwiw.

In short, a *communal* blogpost, as we maintained for a while (Khirano can 
recall, I am sure) seems apt. I can also ask my far too many press friends and 
contacts to listen up.

But what do we want? Users, developers, contributors? Someone(s) to see that we 
are not the thawed out undead but freshborn of the living? And so do we simply 
want the world to see us as a community they can count in and on?


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