On 22/12/2011 Andrea Pescetti wrote:
On 22/12/2011 Dave Fisher wrote:
The email subscribes, unsubscribes and links have been updated for:
... ooo-utenti for utenti@oo.o (is this correct? it should be
I will take care of checking/redoing the last one. I replaced links to
the Italian users list "utenti" on the then-live site (I mean
it.openoffice.org linked to the Kenai SVN repository) about 24 hours ago
and I'll port the patch to the new www.openoffice.org when it goes live.

I've just replaced in the Italian site (in the Apache SVN) all legacy "institutional" addresses historically used by the Italian N-L Project (like aziende, scuole, soho, stampa AT openoffice.org) with addresses we actually control. Same for mailing lists, now redirected to http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-ooo-utenti-it/

Note that I found (and fixed within the "it" site) references to ooo-market...@apache.org which are probably not correct: the lists are still on incubator.apache.org only, right?


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