On Dec 26, 2011, at 2:15 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 10:55 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> The http:ooo-site.apache.org version of www.openoffice.org is ready for
>> review before migration. There are several last issues for people to review.
>> (1) What news stories should we have on ooo-site.apache.org ready for
>> migration on /index.html?
>> (2) /mail_lists.html needs review and/or redirection to the podling site.
>> Please help.
>> The email subscribes, unsubscribes and links have been updated for:
>> ooo-users               for user@oo.o
>> ooo-dev                 for dev@*oo.o and discuss@oo.o
>> ooo-announce    for announce@oo.o
>> ooo-marketing   for d...@marketing.oo.o
>> ooo-utenti              for utenti@oo.o (is this correct? it should be
>> ooo-utenti-il...)
>> Other @openoffice.org addresses will continue to function. That is a
>> different migration for another discussion.
>> (3) /about/index.html and related need review and editing to fit the
>> realities of being at the ASF. Please help.
>> (4) http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/get-involved.html needs
>> review - it is where users will go. Please help tell the AOO projects story!
>> (5) What do we do about email archives of openoffice.org?
>> The archives are accessed through servlets on Kenai. These will become
>> 404s when we change the DNS. Are the archives available elsewhere? GMane.
>> These links are all over.
>> (6) We will be changing references to Projects and Project Leaders to
>> Teams and Team Leaders (thanks Kay for the idea! it's not perfect..).
>> It is a question for the project about what to do with the "Team Leader"
>> category and the name. There is probably consensus to eliminate "Leaders".
>> I do think it is worth retaining this information until it is determined if
>> the individuals mentioned contribute to the AOO(i) project. We can play
>> with this after migration, but it would be good to be consistent for the
>> start.
>> (7) What else?
> OK--more...one thing I noticed is that
> http://ooo-site.apache.org/
> has no site search function. What can be done about this? I think this is
> mandatory to most users.

Perhaps this:



>> I am expecting that @openoffice.org email aliases will not be disabled by
>> migrating the OpenOffice.org site to the ASF.
>> All other issues are minor and can wait, at least that is my opinion.
>> Yours may differ!
>> Native Language versions of the top navigation and adjustments to those
>> rules can wait. There are choices, but migrating is more important!
>> Best Regards,
>> Dave
> -- 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MzK
> "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
> by the way its animals are treated."
>                              -- Mohandas Gandhi

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