
2012/1/8 Michael Stahl <m...@openoffice.org>:
> in this case i guess it's at the discretion of the distributions which of
> the 2 successors of the deceased OpenOffice.org they transition to (and
> given the lack of a release from Apache OpenOffice it shouldn't surprise
> anybody that currently LibreOffice is the more popular transition target).

Your vision point is correct, Michael, and more. How in Debian, that
is the base of many distros, removed the OOo based in two points:
1) doubt about the future of OOo;
2) a minimal team to maintain the package;

was more easy to migrate to LibO. Today, only René, a Debian
Developer, maintains the package there. Some time ago, i started the
study about the packaging process, but today i stopped it.

I think that if we show a stable package and adjust the build process
to Debian, i believe that we can return to it, as more one
package/project, giving for all derivated distros the AOOo again.


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