
On 30 January 2012 15:57, Ross Gardler <> wrote:
> On 30 January 2012 19:45, TJ Frazier <> wrote:
>> On 1/30/2012 14:22, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
> ...
>>>> What specific things are being asked of you?
>>> To remove a specific email message posted to a public list
>>> (documentation) by mistake.
>> If the message is on one of the two documentation ML's (author or dev
>> @doc.oo.o) I can remove it, or at least the SYMPA page says I can.
>> You or the user can mail me at, or bring the matter
>> to this list (ooo-dev). I need sender and date.
> The ASF has a policy of *not* removing mails in the majority of cases.
> It simply is not possible to do so since our mailing lists are
> archived all over the place. See
> ...
>>>> Why aren't they being brought to the list (either details, or at least an
>>>> overview of what this work is about)?
>>> Because the person wanting the removal, I presume, did not know about
>>> the new changes. I have no problem explaining things--have--but I'm
>>> simply laying out the facts.
> The point is that you are not a contact point for the AOO project,
> this list is. If you, as a single individual, choose to act on
> requests like these and others that you frequently claim are coming
> your way you will quickly run out of time or you will fail to address
> the requests. Please share everything here (or on the private lists if
> absolutely necessary).

I do not pretend to anyone, least of all you, that I am a contact
person for anything related to AOO. I do not act on requests that I
cannot act on, and do relay to those querying me (and Florian, for
that matter) the facts.

I also do not appreciate your tone and implication that I am falsifying claims.

I will send to TJ the concerned user's request.
> Personally I would rather see you spending time addressing the issue
> with SPI funds since you are the named individual dealing with the SPI
> (or alternatively indicating that you do not intend to do so, thereby
> making way for someone else to do it).
> Ross

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