Hi Louis,

On Jan 30, 2012, at 1:25 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:

> Ross, I've been doing this for >10 years, far longer than you. And I
> have coordinated more online and open source communities, too, I'd
> guess.

Play nice you are both community organizers ;-)

FWIW Ross is the Apache V.P., Community Development

> I do have canned responses, but these no longer apply, given the new
> situation. As it happens, the number of outlier requests has dropped
> precipitously over the last two months, as AOO builds steam. I
> receive, now, very few, and those I do, I quickly route to this proper
> project.
> Sorry if I bristled. I accept, of course, advice all the time; even
> from my mother in law, always from my spouse, and even from kind
> strangers :-).

And new friends?

Best Regards,

> Louis
> On 30 January 2012 16:18, Ross Gardler <rgard...@opendirective.com> wrote:
>> On 30 January 2012 21:04, Louis Suárez-Potts <lsuarezpo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I also do not appreciate your tone and implication that I am falsifying 
>>> claims.
>> That was not my intention, nor what I said. My point is that you tell
>> us you are receiving trademark requests and other such items, but
>> these never seem to get forwarded to the PPMC. I did not mean to imply
>> you are falsifying these claims, but only indicating that they are
>> only claims if we do not have the the items passed to us. That is I am
>> using the word "claim" as defined at
>> http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/claim - which says nothing of
>> falsification.
>> My apologies for any unintentional offence caused.
>> My point is that all such requests should either be forwarded to this
>> list or the poster should be requested to repost it themselves.
>> Personally I have a canned response for just this purpose. I can't
>> deal with the number of personal emails I get relating to various
>> projects. I only meant to provide you with some friendly advice.
>> Ross
>>> I will send to TJ the concerned user's request.
>>> Louis
>>>> Personally I would rather see you spending time addressing the issue
>>>> with SPI funds since you are the named individual dealing with the SPI
>>>> (or alternatively indicating that you do not intend to do so, thereby
>>>> making way for someone else to do it).
>>>> Ross
>> --
>> Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
>> Programme Leader (Open Development)
>> OpenDirective http://opendirective.com

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