
On 2 February 2012 11:53, Florian Effenberger
<flo...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Louis Suárez-Potts wrote on 2012-02-02 17:22:
>> Sigh. Well, would you at TDF be interested in collaborating on regular
>> (or not) updates to that list? Again, I believe having such a list
>> mutually benefits us.
> I think that all free software projects should inform about the risks of
> download fraud (since we're all affected), and everyone can cooperate on
> that. GIMP, Inkscape and others are affected like we are.
> However, I guess that when it comes to trademark issues that can legally
> infuence a mark's existence, and collecting private data of people
> complaining about fraud, this should be first handled in the respective
> project's trademark teams. Otherwise I think it would be legally too risky.
> What cannot hurt, of course, is from time to time to exchange solely the
> links of the most fraudulent sites, to check if we see a pattern. If that
> could be organized on a wider scale, including many projects, that sure
> would benefit everyone.

Good points. I suggest that as the list compiled by us will be of
course open for inspection by all, that for now the process be kept
casual, but that we do remind ourselves periodically, as you suggest,
to review, edit the list.

(BTW, the German word, abofallen, is very good. There is no simple
equivalent in English, at least none that I know of that translates so
neatly, "defrauding by subscription" or "fraudulent subscription.")

> Florian
> --
> Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
> Chairman of the Board at The Document Foundation
> Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
> Skype: floeff | Twitter/Identi.ca: @floeff

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