here we might run into a problem because of not having the translation process in place 100%. We have to figure out which translation data is the latest one, it's still not 100% clear if we really have it :-(

Well, for starters, why don't we get the Pootle server up and running, enable all the languages that were working on localization at the last known date but keep all data "blank". There will be a fair number of locales who have local backups of their latest dataset before the old Pootle server went dead (I know I have) so it would be a simple case of uploading the po files again. That would solve a number of headaches and give people the chance to bring them up to date.

And *then* worry about the rest. At the moment, everything is dead on the localization side and if a release is being eyed, then the longer that's dead, the worse a headache it becomes for the translators.


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