I've been using OpenOffice for about 30 months now. Love it, not just because 
of saving Micro$haft $$.

The MS Word feature I miss most in OpenOffice Writer (for Mac) is something to 
show what page I am on (and how many pages are in the document).

Also, I have noticed a tendency for the cursor's action to occur one place to 
the left of where its screen position leads me to expect. Most pronounced with 
small type of any font except Courier and where words and punctuation meet. I 
do most of my editing in Times 12 with returns and spaces visible. The problem 
seems unique to OpenOffice.

MacBook Pro 13 inch (2010) running OS 10.6.8.

I cannot remember if I am in your "community" or have automatic reporting of 
bugs/crashes "on" with this Mac. There's already waaaaaaay to much 
technological trivia in my life.

John McClelland
associate professor emeritus

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