On 25/02/2012, at 6:26, John McClelland <jmccl...@roosevelt.edu> wrote:

> Also, I have noticed a tendency for the cursor's action to occur one place to 
> the left of where its screen position leads me to expect. Most pronounced 
> with small type of any font except Courier and where words and punctuation 
> meet. I do most of my editing in Times 12 with returns and spaces visible. 
> The problem seems unique to OpenOffice.
> MacBook Pro 13 inch (2010) running OS 10.6.8.

I use a MacBook Air running the same OS, and I have seen the same problem at 
times.  I can usually fix it by increasing the magnification of the page 
onscreen by a small percentage. This does not change the font size, just your 
view of it. 

Sometimes it is a font problem, when OpenOffice does not have the screen font 
installed. It will use a similar font that may not display exactly right. For 
example, OOo uses Times New Roman, not Times. You may need to install the 
screen font.

Jean Hollis Weber

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