On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi Roberto,
> Thank you very much! I have some technical questions related to managing the 
> openoffice.org domain to point to the site.
> On Feb 24, 2012, at 4:34 PM, Roberto Galoppini wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We migrated the Extensions website over to sourceforge hardware.
>> We've restored authentication with the openoffice.org accounts, make
>> some module updates and updated the site to work with PHP 5.3.
>> As of today, the Extensions website is available at this address
>> located on our domain, at the following address:
>> http://aoo-extensions.sourceforge.net.
>> We've modified it to work under whatever domain name the community
>> chooses, and we plan to keep the site up and running under the above
>> domain to allow the community to provide us with feedback and to allow
>> for time to get the final DNS setup in place. We will work with the
>> PMCC and the Apache Infra team to point DNS to the new location as
>> soon as we can.
> I did an nslookup and the IP address is currently Is this a 
> permanent address?
> Obviously we can redirect URLs to the aoo-extensions.sf.net domain, but it 
> would be better if the sites can keep an openoffice.org url.
> To test the current ability I modified my /etc/hosts
>   extensions.services.openoffice.org
> With that http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/ returns:
> This space is managed by SourceForge.net. You have attempted to access a URL 
> that either never existed or is no longer active. Please check the source of 
> your link and/or contact the maintainer of the link to have them update their 
> records.
> I would propose that the site have the following three possible domain names:
> aoo-extensions.sourceforge.net
> extensions.openoffice.org
> extensions.services.openoffice.org
> All with the same IP. Is this feasible? Or, do we need to pick one as the 
> primary and redirect the others?

I think that causes problems with Google.  They would likely sense
this as "duplicate content" and demote the relevancy of the content.

Two ways out:  pick one URL as the primary one and redirect the other
two to the primary one.  Google likes this.

The other way is to declare the "canonical" URL in the HTML:


>> We are planning to get the Templates website up on sourceforge
>> hardware one week from today.
> Great!
> Regards,
> Dave
>> Here are some next steps to consider:
>> 1 - Help users to switch their accounts smoothly. We can make sure
>> that existing users can login using their openoffice.org password and
>> automatically convert them to local users when they login, so that all
>> users who logged in to the site before the Oracle shutdown will be
>> preserved and will be able to see and edit their content.
>> 2 - Help market AOO Extensions and Templates, e.g. interviewing
>> creators and sharing the news via our media.
>> 3 - Evaluate the upgrade of the Extensions/Templates website from
>> Drupal 5/6 to Drupal 7, and eventually do it (long term).
>> We are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.
>> Roberto
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