On 3/1/12 5:03 PM, Pedro Giffuni wrote:

--- Gio 1/3/12, Jürgen Schmidt<jogischm...@googlemail.com>  ha scritto:


But we still need feedback about the dictionaries people
would like to bundle for their language. See 

Reminder, if we don't get the feedback we only focus on some
obvious dictionaries and let it up to the users to install

The author of the Croatian dictionary very nicely relicensed
it under AL2, so I think we should respond by shipping it.
Russian has also been requested.

Perhaps it's just easier to go ahead and bundle the dictionaries
that were available last in our repository. That should cover
everyone's expectations for this release.

We need anyway a list of dictionary - link to the dic in the extension repo because we download them from there on demand.

And that is something that a lot of people can prepare ;-) HINT HINT HINT !!!


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