Am 06.03.12 09:50, schrieb Andre Fischer:
On 06.03.2012 09:46, Paolo Pozzan wrote:
2012/3/5 Andre Fischer<>:
Hi Raphael,

On 02.03.2012 20:34, Raphael Bircher wrote:

Hi at all

No panic, I will make this night a new initial import. The reason is,
that we are not sure if the data from the old pootle server are
compleet. So we want to be sure, and so I will import the data from the

I will import only the language wich we release for the moment. I hope,
i can do this work util tomorrow

I am a bit confused. SDF seems to imply the current data in the extras/l10n module. For at least one language (zn-TW) we know that the data from the
old pootle server is more up-to-date.  How can we handle that?

Usually previous translations will be merged into the newly extracted
.po files, so there won't be any loss of data.

When there are strings that are in both data sets then we have to choose one, right? Is that done automatically?
First at all. I have backups from the data. But yes, we have to merge changes. The problem is, that we have not realy a clean base. We have 3 different sources:

- first the SDF in the Source
- The backup from the old pootle Server
- The Source it self (but the source has no translation, only the en-US strings)

The SDF Files works in the build, so they are tecnical clean. But they are probabily not up to date with the localization. The SDF was created before Hamburg stopt working. So samewhat in the March 2011. The Pootle server works much longer, so there are probabily translation in the old Pootle backup wich are not in the SDF. But both include not the new AOO Strings.

The Pootle server has a actual Backup from the translation, but this backup commes from a crushed HD. So we are not sure if this files are clean. Not clean po's are a big risk.

The data from the source content the additional AOO strings but no translations.

What I try to do is the following:
debug the existing po from the old Pootle server. Broken language we can't use, the changes will be loost. If you have a actual local copy of the po files from the old Pootle server you can send me the directory in a Zip archive.

Dreate new po files based on the AOO Source

update pootle

Greetings raphael

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