On Mar 14, 2012, at 5:54 PM, Carl Marcum wrote:

> On 03/14/2012 01:22 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> <snip>
>> For me it shows that some people get nervous because they see that the
>> stuttering engine of AOO runs better and better. So let us oil the
>> engine that it runs constantly and smooth.
>> Juergen
> +1
> After the first AOO release, some of this may end.

Well, at least we will be able to address those clueless enough
to wonder "What has the project been up to these several months"...
When we do release, we should emphasize how much of an effort it
was to do the required due-diligence and alterations to get the
IP clearance passed, which was:

  1. Non-trivial
  2. A benefit to the *entire* OOo ecosystem

since it seems that such efforts had not been done for ages.
With AOOo, we now have a release that has gone thru intense

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