On Sun, 2012-03-18 at 19:58 +0100, Regina Henschel wrote:
> Hi,
> drew schrieb:
> >
> > The proposed replacement can be reviewed at:
> > http://baseanswers.com/temp/index_test.html
> Validator shows some errors.
> line 146, line 149, line 276
>       Correct tag syntax for empty tag is <br />
> Notice the position if the slash and the blank before the slash.
> line 328
>       closing tag </html>. The slash is missing.
> Problem with div and p around line 300
>       div is not allowed inside p
>       div is empty
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ... Notice lower case html
> 'id="get-aoo button"' in footer has a blank, but I think that is not 
> your part.

nope, mine also..

OK - the W3 validator is showing zero problems now..

Thanks Regina


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