> From: Mark Ramm <m...@geek.net>
>To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org; Joe Schaefer <joe_schae...@yahoo.com> 
>Cc: Ross Gardler <rgard...@opendirective.com> 
>Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:25 PM
>Subject: Re: Sourceforge and AOO 3.4 distribution
>On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Joe Schaefer <joe_schae...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> FWIW the ballpark figures we have today Roberto
>> are roughly 12GB worth of release artifacts and
>> about100TB / day worth of download traffic.
>Thanks for the information.
>I'm working with Roberto to make sure all the right technical
>resources are aligned behind him, and that we have the resources to
>provide a great experience to your users. So, I'm here to help out,
>and validate everything to make sure we are prepared to handle AOO's
>peak load.
>Based on the file size data in the previous e-mail, and this bandwidth
>information, I believe we are talking about something around 700k
>download per day.
>Is that peak load, or is that sustained load? If it's sustained, do
>you have any ideas about what peak load would look like?  If not, do
>you have any ideas about what sustained load would look like?

Up until the Update service broke last week, ooo was sustaining 300K
downloads a day. We used a ballpark download figure of 300 MB per user,
which may explain the discrepancy if you used something considerably less.

We simply don't have any data at this point about peak load to make
any educated guesses.

>And finally: would you have any objection to us using a mix of fixed
>mirrors, elastic file delivery services (like s3), and commercial CDN
>service to handle spikes in download gracefully and assure that global
>users get good download performance when local mirrors are overloaded
>or not available?

No, we may even be willing to budget some amount for this purpose.
Cost estimates would be appreciated as our budget numbers for FY2012
need to be finalized next week.

>I'm looking forward to working with all of you to make sure that users
>have a reliable and fast download source for the upcoming Apache Open
>Office release.   Let me know if there's any questions I can answer
>for you, or anything else I can do to help.
>--Mark Ramm
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