On Wed, 2012-03-21 at 08:52 -0700, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> Right now the ASF has roughly 250 mirrors,
> of which atm I'd expect 50 or so to drop us if
> we start carrying AOO releases.  That means
> we'd have about twice as many mirrors as
> the mirrorbrain OOo service has, so we should
> be in better shape overall than what happened
> in the past, assuming we do something smart
> about staggering the Update service.  There
> will be no way to surprise anybody about the
> release timing for an AOO release as at least
> a week of public discussion/voting will precede it.
> I still would like to strongly suggest that
> someone on the PPMC step up NOW and offer to contact
> existing mirror operators to get them to cover
> some of our losses.

Well, I'm looking this page:

@anyone: Is there a list with contact information (email addresses)
available also?



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