
it seems to me there is something wrong with localized page rendering,
for ex. in pt-br:
-- language codes are rendered as unordered list, not as in en page.
Is there wrong template usage in localized page or somthing else?

wbr, sb

2012/4/5 Claudio Filho <filh...@gmail.com>:
> Hi
> I did a test page[1], based in two templates[2][3].
> [1]http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Main_Test
> [2]http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Template:OrigLang
> [3]http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Template:Lang
> With some adjusts in CSS and the support of infra team (thanks guys!),
> is finished.
> Now, we can start the production of main pages (en) and its
> translations. But before to continue, i see two points to treat: what
> is usable and the license.
> I think that have lots of pages outdated and without value (at this
> time), so we could filter what is interesting or not.
> And about the license, have PDL and CC there (and i have doubts if
> haven't more some thing). What i think is that need to converge for a
> common license.
> I read one or two hundred of emails, and really not found a decision
> or consensus. Is my mistake or are this the facts?
> Best,
> Claudio
> ps: Jürgen, now i understood your comment about the use of
> cwiki/mediawiki and the "problem to treat".

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