Am 04/08/2012 01:20 AM, schrieb Dennis E. Hamilton:
 From the original post, I see these statements:

To get this all under one hat, we have to improve the download logic
that is currently done by JavaScript.

To fulfill the first condition the download requests have to be split-up
to more than 1 central mirror redirector.

I assume that you want a script that will choose among multiple mirror
redirectors, when available.


Although it is not reflected directly, it appears that the idea is that
the download requests be distributed in a weighted manner among available
redirectors.  The allocation (as percentage of requests a redirector will
receive over time) is presumably intended to deal with the portion of peak
demand that a particular redirector has offered to handle.


The commitment is to not exceed the expected proportion on a sustained
basis while providing a given redirector that that proportion of the
requests over time (being potentially important for add-generated revenue
of the redirector systems).

When one of the redirectors is unavailable, there is a default redirector
that will absorb all additional requests.  The allocation to non-default
redirectors is not increased.

The default will be the next powerful redirector that is given by the weighted values.


  1. This does not detect when peak load exceeds the agreed capacity
     limit of any redirector system.

Maybe. But I think we can deal with this later if becomes a problem.
I wanted to have a simple script for the start.

  2. This does not provide any mitigation when a redirector is unable
     to service a request forwarded to it.

This should not happen. Except the redirector is down in the second of the download request.

I've no idea how to recognize automatically when a redirector is down. Except to ping it al lthe time. But this cannot be the solution.

  3. Allocating requests is not the same as allocating load.  When
     requests are failing, the rapid resubmission of unaccepted requests
     can become a problem.


Sorry, but I think the rest is a bit to much for me. I'm not a usual developer and don't really understand it.


  1. The redirector services are named by simple strings.

  2. The load management is specified in a single array,

     var redirectorLoading = [ [factor-0, name-0],
                               [factor-1, name-1],
                               [factor-n, name-n]];

     where factor-i is a number from 0 to 100 specifying the
     percentage proportion of requests that the redirector
     service identified by name-i will accept.

     For the last entry, factor-n=100 and name-n is the string
     name of the backup redirector that will absorb all
     unallocated requests.  This can be the same as a name-i
     already in the mix.

     The special name "noservice" is used when there is no
     available service for the request.

     Maintenance: To make a service unavailable, simply set its
     proportion, factor-i, to 0.

I think that's the same as in my script example to set a mirror host to 0.

     If the backup is unavailable, replace name-n by the name
     of an alternative backup, if any.  If there is no
     alternative to the backup, change factor-n to 0 or
     name-n to "noservice".

     I assume that this declaration would be in a place that is
     easy to maintain without risking errors in maintenance of
     anything else.

  3. One way to do the allocation is with some sort of
     simple function along these lines:

     function chooseService( )
     {  var nService = redirectorLoading.length;
        if (!nService) return "noservice";

        var nLottery = Math.floor(Math.random()*100);
        for (var i=0; i<nService; i++)
          { var loading = redirectorLoading[i][0];
            if (!loading&&  nLottery<  loading)
                return redirectorLoading[i][1];
            nLottery -= loading;
        return "noservice";


-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus (OOo) []
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 12:08
Subject: Re: [DL LOGIC] How to choose a mirror when more than 1 is available?

Am 04/07/2012 07:49 PM, schrieb Dennis E. Hamilton:
Comments in-line.

I think it would be good to step back and agree on what problem that is being 
solved and how should failure cases and intervention work.  Then it can be 
determined whether candidate code addresses the problem or not.

   - Dennis

OK, do you have any suggestions different to my initial post in this thread?

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus (OOo) []
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 10:13
Subject: Re: [DL LOGIC] How to choose a mirror when more than 1 is available?

[ ... ]

    2. The requests are distributed randomly based on the allocation
   >     percentages to the systems whether or not they are available.

Yes, but only when they are available. If not they get no requests.

    3. For any mirror system that receives a turn when it is not
   >     available, the backup system is used.

The non-available system won't get a request. It's directly forwarded to
another one.

The current logic does not try a different one if the random choice is in-range 
for a non-available mirror system.  It always goes to the backup.  There is no 
retry.  You can see that by running the sample page a couple of times.

[ ... ]

Yes, thats correct.

My only other observations are

    a. It should be easier to identify the systems and their
   >     allocations and to update that information in the script.

All values are (or should be) in the "globalvars.js" file. So, only in
one location there are changes necessary.

    globalvars.js is not a one-stop shopping place for adjusting the 
allocations and availabilities with a simple change.  It's a tremendous 
warehouse of global settings of all kinds.
    globalvars.js is a dangerous thing to touch in order to change allocations 
and/or workaround mirror unavailability.

Where else do you see important values that need to be changed?
Why is it dangerous? Every web application has a kind of property
management. Just change the value here instead of delivering changed
code on many different places.

    b. If availability is to be determined dynamically, it is
   >     probably better to check availability only after determining
   >     that the system has been selected by the random procedure.
   >     Also, if availability is configured manually, there is probably
   >     some shared dataset that should hold the availability information
   >     (and the allocations?) so the script does not have to be touched
   >     and outages/re-allocations can be done quickly and reliably.

No, it's not done dynamically (yet). We have to know if a system is
down. Then we can disable it in the "globalvars.js" file.

Sorry, if the quoted text is now messed-up. It was extremly difficult to
answer as there was no line wrapping.


-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus (OOo) []
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 07:13
Subject: [DL LOGIC] How to choose a mirror when more than 1 is available?
[ ... ]
To get this all under one hat, we have to improve the download logic
that is currently done by JavaScript.

To fulfill the first condition the download requests have to be split-up
to more than 1 central mirror redirector.
[ ... ]

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