On 10.04.2012 07:12, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
On Mon, Apr 09, 2012 at 12:16:38PM +0200, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

Does anybody have tested an upgrade installation with these new
Linux packages and can verify the reported problem, see

I think we haven't noticed this problem before and I would be
interested if others can confirm this problem.

I will be offline for ~1 day because of traveling and I will make
the call for VOTE depending on the feedback from you.

Old basis package set remaining is the default behaviour, at least
tested with OOo 3.0.0. On Fedora 16:

- install OOo 3.0.0 (OOO300_m9 9358)
- install OOo 3.1.1 (OOO310_m19 9420)

1) there is an issue with the desktop integration, same for AOO
2) the old basis3.0 remains:


All ooobasis3.0 packages are kept.


Here is what I would expect would happen on an update:

- There is one top-level or meta package that has dependencies on all the other packages (directly or indirectly)
- This meta package of OOo3.? is replaced by AOO3.4
- The packages of OOo3.? are not referenced anymore and get removed automatically. The new packages are installed. Everything is find.

So one of the following things goes wrong:
- The old meta package is not removed because the new one has no relationship to it (maybe because of a different application name) - The old meta package is removed but some other package keeps a reference to one of OOo3.? base packages. - Something else that I did not think of yet (I am currently on a business trip and am still adapting to the new time zone)



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