On 2012-04-20, at 13:54 , Ross Gardler wrote:

> On 20 April 2012 12:36, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> This was mentioned in the ODF Plugfest today, in Louis's presentation,
>> an interesting use of OpenOffice configured to run on the iPad:
>> http://blog.rollapp.com/2012/04/rollapp-launches-free-beta-openoffice.html
>> Rather than recompiling for a tablet, it looks like they are taking a
>> remoting approach with virtualized UI.  This allows them to run apps
>> like OpenOffice unmodified.
> Great interim technology. If they are not already here I hope someone
> is reaching out to them and suggesting they might want to work on
> embedding UI hooks for their platform. I imagine many things are
> clunky when you don't have real mouse actions (no double click, chunky
> fingers etc. Such hooks would be useful in many other ways too.

I am indeed. They are fairly new to open source but clearly deeply interested 
in it and what can be done with it. 
> I guess they are sure they will get it into the app store, but I would
> imagine some concerns about them providing an app store separate from
> Apples. No such problems for Android though - I want it.


For me, there are numerous issues related to distributing open source apps in 
this fashion but none is insurmountable or particularly critical, just 

> Ross
> -- 
> Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
> Programme Leader (Open Development)
> OpenDirective http://opendirective.com

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