It is late for this idea, since we are probably only a week away from
release AOO 3.4.  But I think it is important to connect the dots on
this.  Is anyone willing to help with this over the next few days?

I'd like to have a page on the website to help enthusiastic OpenOffice
users help us share the good news about Apache OpenOffice 3.4.   It
would enable the individual blogger, or even a user who is an active
social networking user, to help spread the news about the AOO 3.4

As we know, enthusiasm is not always matched by time-to-spare,
graphical skill, or deep knowledge about what is in the 3.4 release.
So putting this kind of information together, in one place, where it
is easy to consume and reuse, will be wonderful.

Ideally, the page would have the following kind of content:

1) An AOO 3.4 "download" logo, that a blogger can use to link to  We have some proposed icons (from Drew)

Maybe we can agree on one of these and get some common sizes rendered.
We probably need translations as well.

2) A short description of what Apache OpenOffice 3.4 is, from
perspective of a brand new user.  A paragraph or two, with some screen
shots.  Something a blogger can reuse or adapt. Again, we'll need
translations as well.

3) A short description of what is new in Apache OpenOffice 3.4, from
perspective of an existing OOo users.  Again, screen shots, and
translations.  No one has time to do original research.  Best to have
the basic facts already written up and allow the blogger to reuse the
information and add their own color commentary.

4) Some interesting factoids about how AOO 3,4 was made. Maybe touch
on the new hosting of extensions/templates, # of lines of code
changed, the change to Apache license, etc.  What are the "fun facts"?

5) Any YouTube videos we want to link to?

6) A contact where they can go for more information.  Probably ooo-dev.

7) Anything else?

Note that this is almost like a press kit or a  reviewers guide, but
targeting community supporters of AOO rather than accredited
journalists.  But a similar idea. Respect that they don't have time to
dig this information out of a dozen places in our wiki.  If we want it
to happen, we need to make it easy for them.

So who's in with this?  We don't have time to debate this for a week.
But if 2 or 3 others are willing to help, starting today, on these
items, then I think we can pull it off.  Maybe get it all done, in
English, targeting end of week, and then work on translations early
next week?


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