Hi Jurgen,

> +1  Maho Nakato - PPMC
> +1  Maho Nakata - PPMC

 Nakata Maho

From: Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@googlemail.com>
Subject: [VOTE][RESULT] Release Apache OpenOffice 3.4 (incubating) RC1
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 15:05:14 +0800

> Hi,
> the preliminary vote result is identical with the final vote
> result. We had a further +1 (PPMC) vote on ooo-private but that can't
> be counted here.
> The ballot result was +34 including one IPMC member binding +1, 22 +1
> votes fro PPMC members, one +1 from a committer, 8 +1 votes from
> community members and one PPMC abstentions (0).  One -1 non-binding
> ballot were cast related the Finish translation that will be now not
> part of the release. Means we will not release a Finnish localized
> binary package.
> +1  Dave Fisher - IPMC (binding)
> 0   Dennis E. Hamilton (orcmid)
> +1  Pedro Giffuni - PPMC
> +1  Hagar Delest - PPMC
> +1  Ian Lynch - PPMC
> +1  Rob Weir - PPMC
> +1  RGB ES - PPMC
> +1  Zoltán Reizinger - PPMC
> +1  Donald Harbison - PPMC
> +1  Kay Schenk - PPMC
> +1  Armin Le Grand - PPMC
> +1  Herbert Duerr - PPMC
> +1  Carl Marcum - PPMC
> +1  Marcus Lange - PPMC
> +1  Regina Henschel - PPMC
> +1  Andrew Rist - PPMC
> +1  Andrea Pescetti - PPMC
> +1  Ariel Constenla-Haile - PPMC
> +1  Juergen Schmidt - PPMC
> +1  Oliver Rainer Wittmann - PPMC
> +1  Kazunaro Hirano - PPMC
> +1  Maho Nakato - PPMC
> +1  Andre Fischer - PPMC
> +1  Eric Bachard - PPMC
> +1  Raphael Bircher - PPMC
> +1  Drew Jensen - PPMC
> +1 Chritoph Jopp - PPMC
> +1  Yuri Dario -Committer
> +1  Larry Gusaas
> +1  Shen Feng Liu
> +1  Rory O'Farrell
> +1  Chao Huang
> +1  Albino Biasutti Neto
> +1  Peng Chen
> +1  Ying Sun
> +1  ZuoJun Chen
> -1  Risto Jääskeläinen, only for Finnish translation
> 35   Votes +1
>  1   Votes  0
>  1   Votes -1

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