Andrea Pescetti <> wrote:
> Paolo is now coordinating volunteers that are translating the Release
> Notes into Italian, and while quickly reviewing the original document
> I have the impression that some paragraphs would be much clearer with a
> screenshot or a sample document. For example, does anyone have more
> information on the following items?
> - Further development/bug fixes for DOCX import filter
> (a sample DOCX to test, or a screenshot showing the progress in import
> would be very useful)
> - Enhanced chart visualization
> (is this backend only or user-visible? if it's the latter, is there an
> ODF available to test?)

It basically means that internally the graphic objects are not exchanged
using a metafile in old metafile format with integer coordinates, but
primitves are used directly with all their possibilities. This removes two
transformation steps and avoids losing quality, thus being faster and
qualitatively better, e.g. when having charts with more than 65535 data
points (the maximum for polygons in metafiles). Also positions are better
due to double precision when zooming in or needing high resolutions. The
main advantage is that 3d charts do not need to be visualized as bitmaps
(metafiles do not know 3d at all, thus they need to be transported as
bitmap), but stay in 3d geometry for visualisation. To see the advantages,
try to zoom into a 3d chart in OOO3.3 and AOO3.4. This also gives enhanced
printing and exports, too. One of the features which were forgotten to be
mentioned in some publications recently...

> - Formula: Automatic baseline for Math objects
> (while it is well explained, again having a sample ODF file or
> screenshots would help, since Math isn't the most popular module)
> Thanks,
>   Andrea.


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