On Thursday, 3. May 2012 at 00:01, eric b wrote:
> Hi,
> Le 2 mai 12 à 22:53, Wolf Halton a écrit :
> > I had just that issue. LO uses /usr/bin/soffice as well.
> Not very kind :-/
well we used it since many years and people will expect that OpenOffice will 
start. Let us wait what happens when users complain.
We can of course create a further link aoo, aooffice, apacheoo or 
apacheopenoffice. But I would like to keep soffice as well because it is used 
in many places.  
> > Can we just change that in the integration code so it s-links to /  
> > usr/bin/aooffice, or
> > would it be better to push that over to the Ubuntu packagers?
> >  
> No idea about the packagers. What I know, is that change all soffice  
> inside the $INSTALL_DIR/program is difficult, but change the shell  
> name calling it is easy. That's even what I did with OOo4Kids and  
> OOoLight. For that, I created OOo4Kids.sh, located in sysui/desktop/  
> share, and containing:
> -------------8<--------------------
> #!/bin/sh
> exec /%PREFIX/program/soffice "$@"
> -------------8<--------------------
> PREFIX contains the install path, and you can rename it  
> ApacheOffice.sh, or whatever name, of course.
> Next step : the code to be modified stands in sysui/dekstop/share/  
> create_tree.sh file + some little things in the makefile and in the  
> Debian control file maybe. Of course, if you need, you can reuse what  
> I did in OOo4Kids and I'll relicense it under Apache License.

We should analyze careful what we change or have to change. But right now I am 
not willing to change anythings that belongs to OpenOffice and is taken by 

> My 2 cts
> Eric
> --  
> qɔᴉɹə
> Projet OOo4Kids : http://wiki.ooo4kids.org/index.php/Main_Page
> L'association EducOOo : http://www.educoo.org
> Blog : http://eric.bachard.org/news

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