It's great to see so many volunteers working at setting up social media accounts for the podling in various cultures. I'm definitely +1 for PPMC members working on the lists to setup new accounts - presuming that we also have the volunteers to put some relevant content on them. It sounds like imacat will do just fine on this one. 8-)

Given the likely increase in these requests, I hope to have some more detailed best practices and a few requirements for social media accounts that are labeled as official; i.e. are run by the project itself (versus the many other accounts run by individuals about our projects).

Basic guidelines would include:

- (P)PMC approval. You're already handling this one here on the lists, great!

- PPMC ownership. More than one PPMC member should be able to fully administer the account. A best practice is to have several PPMC members being able to post to the account at will, and to have a basic agreement at keeping the PPMC apprised of the administrator list and allowing other PPMC members to join as authors or administrators.

- A note on the homepage of the social media account/page/whatever noting that it is run my PPMC members from the AOO project.

- A link back from the AOO site itself to the account. This is a key way that we can inform users of which social media accounts truly could speak for the project or not. I.e. any "official" accounts the PPMC approves and manages should be linked directly to from someplace on our website. Any other, non-PPMC accounts could also be linked, but on our website we can let users know which ones we run versus third parties.

Comments on these guidelines?

- Shane

On 2012-05-06 11:05 AM, imacat wrote:
Dear all,

     I would like to propose setting up three official Apache OpenOffice
social media accounts for the Taiwan local community:

      1. I would like to set up the Facebook group:

     as the official Apache OpenOffice Taiwan Facebook users' group.  It
is a Facebook group started since 2010/12, and is the current Facebook
group for our local community.

      2. I would also like to set up an official Apache OpenOffice Taiwan
Plurk account, too (whether @apacheoo or @apacheootw is not decided
yet.)  Plurk is the most popular micro-blogging service here in Taiwan,
and is even more active than Facebook.

      3. I do not know if this is appropriate.  I would like to set up an
official Apache OpenOffice Taiwan blog.  That may be apacheoo-tw on
blogspot.  It shall contain Apache OpenOffice announcements, as well as
local news.  Please tell me if there are other suggestions on this.

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