George ,
Can been many reasons, but most likely, the fonts you use are not present on all your machines. When missing a font , OO gives no warning but try to "fake" the missing font who can gives your current problems.
Hope its helps,


My name is Saramet George, and i am one of the editors of the "ALS OB"
magazine from "Nicolae Iorga" highschool from Negresti, Vaslui, Romania.
Me and our entire editors team are using your lovely software
" 3.3" for editing our highscool's magazine, but we are
faceing a huge problem. When we transfer edited pages from a computer to
another the pages become offset, for example, if we have an article that
occupies two pages on  another computer it will be three pages long,  images
are not in their place, and even our customized templates for the magazine
are deformed.
What can we do to solve this BIG problem?

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