On Monday, 7. May 2012 at 20:53, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> Juergen Schmidt wrote:
> > > > > [3.4.0_checksums.html]
> > > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > well a lot of room for improvements. The pages with the centered
> > tables with different widths looks of course not really professional
> > or what do others think?
> > 
> Well, I'm glad that Marcus did it, it's not bad and it was very 
> relieving for me to be able to just link to it from the Italian download 
> page (which is much worse, by the way... but will gradually get better) 
> instead of copying and pasting the MD5SUMs as usual.
I think more of an automatic generated table or table snippet  that can be easy 
used in other pages as well (included translated pages). A unique design where 
only the language changed makes a lot of things easier.
It's indeed painful todo it manually, believe me I did often enough in the wiki 
in the past weeks.

When I like something at LibO then it is their cleaner webpage. But don't get 
me wrong we can and will find our own way to provide a clean page in the future.

It is not only the technical realization but also the design and I hope some 
volunteer web designer will be interested to proof their skills here in the 
future ;-)


> Regards,
> Andrea.

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