On 2012-05-17, at 07:47 , RGB ES wrote:

> 2012/5/17 Joe Schaefer <joe_schae...@yahoo.com>:
>> FWIW, I meant what I said about promoting the
>> idea of a separate UX group here.  Early efforts
>> to fork off subgroups are often failures at Apache,
>> and they don't need to be if you keep all the traffic
>> on the dev list.  Using tags like [UX] in the subject
>> are a good way of getting a gauge for how much talking
>> needs to be done on-list about the topic.   If it becomes
>> burdensome or distractive to discuss UX here, THEN ask
>> for a list.
> +1.
> Regards
> Ricardo
+1, too. 

So. Let's imagine that there are going to be, if not already, lots of +1s and 
people who want to participate, at least a little, like me. (I ave ulterior 
motives.) Where then do we go from here?


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