
2012/5/17 Marcus (OOo) <marcus.m...@wtnet.de>

> The problem that you don't get a download link für a .deb package is that
> Chromium is not recognized. It can run on RPM and DEB based Linux distros.
> And currently I don't see a possibility to do so. But I hope that someone
> else can.
> For IceWeasel I just need to extent the DL scripts.
> Both problems are already listed to get improved (1st and 2nd row from
> top):
> https://cwiki.apache.org/**confluence/display/OOOUSERS/**
> Improvements+for+the+download+**webpages<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Improvements+for+the+download+webpages>
Thank you!


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