On 2012-05-18, at 21:54 , drew jensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Just a quick reminder on this.
> I will be attending the Barcamp tomorrow and I will, if possible, give a
> brief presentation regarding our project.
> It would be great if I could give a peak to the presentation, but for
> that it would have to be finished already... so that is out - it will be
> ready by 9 AM however :) of course I will post it to the wiki
> afterwards.
> However, if anyone believes there is something particular you would like
> highlighted I will check emails over the next couple of hours - so go
> ahead and post here or direct to me, either way.

Drew, thanks for doing this and I wish I could join you in the fun!

I'd say that heaping praise on Apache at an Apache event would probably only 
elicit skeptical cynicism, but maybe also beers. :-) Yet, if you could 
encourage all to check us out….. :-)

Oh, one thing. A while ago, Propylon, a company, was working on refining OOo 
for legal work; many law firms and related use WP 5.x or beyond. OOo had some 
legal templates but the fact is that a huge portion of the legal world is 
unable to budge from the weight of electrons and paper, however close to museum 
pieces they be. Yet legal workers want open standards, open source just like 
the rest of us. 

Perhaps, in Wash. DC, a receptive audience to such a thing? Esp. among the US 
CIO office, should that be possible? :-)


> Thanks,
> //drew

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