
On 12.06.2012 16:20, chengjh wrote:
The function specification and design are ready for review now..Please
access  http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Writer/TOC to review the
FS section "Loading of MS Word TOC=>Binary Format=>Function Specification"
  and the design section  "Loading of MS Word TOC=>Binary Format=>Design
Description"..You are welcome to comment...thanks.

I already had a look at the wiki and made some minor changes.

Additionally, I think the we still want to "collect" certain paragraphs as headings, when we are loading the main content. But, we do not want to update the read TOC regarding the "collected" headings. Right? Thus, I propose to remove the sentence "Heading paragraphs collecting step removal, indicate the step 5 above;". I have already marked this sentence in the wiki by striking it.
If this is ok, we can completely remove it.

Best regards, Oliver.

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