--- Gio 14/6/12, Marcus (OOo) <marcus.m...@wtnet.de> ha scritto:


> >
> > And I think it's not just about emotions. If you take A
> > as base and pick the enhancements of B you'll get an
> > enhanced A. You won't probably
> > remove features from A but take only some of B.
> >
> > So the decision between Method I and II is also the
> > decision to work for an enhanced OOo/AOO or for an
> > enhanced Symphony.

I might have missed something but the idea behind both
options is to arrive to the same product, that means
reusing as much available code as possible.

> Also a clear +1 from me to go the way of option I.

It would be interesting to could put the options
in some time metric.

My guess (and it's only a guess, not an estimate)

Option I : 2 years.
Option II: 8 months.

Personally, I think I will work on both options
at the same time: I do want to have an early
Symphony BSD port. No objections if I start
merging patches into Symphony once uploaded? :).


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