
On 15.06.2012 10:26, chengjh wrote:
There is an enhancement in OO 2.0.3, delivered with the name "Compatibility
option: Keep-with-next attribute for table rows".
The details of the feature can be gotten from
http://www.openoffice.org/development/releases/2.0.3.html. A new (non-UI)
compatibility option "TableRowKeep" has been added to Writer documents. If
this option is enabled, a table row can be forced to keep together with the
next row by setting the keep-with-next attribute to the first paragraph
within the first cell of this row. If this row is the last row of a table,
the last row tries to keep together with the next content behind the table.
This compatibility option is disabled per default and enabled during
ww8/rtf import.

This enhancement try to provide the behavior and layout compatibility of MS
Word's table,within which the first para of the cell has the "Keep with
next(Paragraph Dialog->Line and Page Breaks in MS Word)"..

This enhancement still has something to do in order to provide completed
compatibility.The known cases provided by "TableRowKeep" Feature as
*a)*If the table is the first lower content of a page, the "keep with next"
attribute of the first para of the first row&column will works as normal,
The first row will not be moved to new page..*But if the contents within
the first row is enough to be beyond the height of the page,the row will
not split, the part beyond page will be truncated in AOO..*
*b)*If the table is the first lower content of a page, the "keep with next"
attribute of the first para of the 1 column/ 2 row  will make table from
the second row, moved to new page..*But if the contents within the second
row is enough to be beyond the height of the page,the row will not
split, the part beyond page will be truncated **in AOO**..*
*c)*If the table is the first lower content of a page, the "keep with next"
attribute of the first para of the first row&column and  the 1 column/ 2
row will works as normal, not moved to new page in MS Word..In AOO,the
table from the second row will be moved to new page..That's the
difference..Moreover,* if the contents within the First or second row is
enough to be beyond the height of the page,the row will not split, the part
beyond page will be truncated** in AOO**..*

This problem is related to the formatting of table and impact the table
formatting procedure deeply.Anyone is interesting in it?Thanks.

I am remembering the implemenation of this feature - a former colleague had implemented it.
I will have a look at the corresponding code.

Jianhong Cheng: Do you have a sample document already? Does there already exist a corresponding issue in AOO Bugzilla?

Best regards, Oliver.

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