On 06/19/2012 12:29 PM, Maya Cain wrote:
I had an older copy of OpenOffice which ran very well but then I found
there was a newer version and so I updated and now my database will not
work.  I get a message saying that the Java environment has changed.  The
text function and the spreadsheets both appear to be working.  Can you tell
me, please, what I need to do to fix this as I have a very large database
which, at the moment, I cannot edit.

Thank you for any help.

Maya Cain

Not entirely sure, but try this:

Use Tools > Options > OpenOffice.org > Java

The top check box should be set to use Java.

It may take a bit, but a list of available Java implementations should be shown. I may be mistaken, but, I think that OOo will work with a java version 1.6.x but not 1.7.x, so, select a version that begins with 1.6.

Much of OOo does not require Java. The database portion does I believe.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php

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