On 6/21/12 9:39 AM, Wang Zhe wrote:
> Sure, I agree with Herbert. We need some basic and rough comment for the
> code change, then others could review it much easier.
> 2012/6/21 Oliver-Rainer Wittmann <orwittm...@googlemail.com>

We have already introduced the Patch by, Review By .. fields for adding
further information.

How about logs like

<issuenumber>: <issue subject line>

fix: <short description/summary>

(on demand only)
Patch By:
Suggest By:
Found by:
Reviewed By:

A common notation used by all would be of course helpful


>> Hi,
>> On 21.06.2012 08:36, Herbert Duerr wrote:
>>> Date: Wed Jun 20 06:58:35 2012
>>> Was [Re: svn commit: r1351948 -
>>> /incubator/ooo/trunk/main/sd/**source/core/**CustomAnimationEffect.cxx]
>>>  New Revision: 1351948
>>>> URL: 
>>>> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?**rev=1351948&view=rev<http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1351948&view=rev>
>>>> Log:
>>>> for #119951#
>>> Recently there have been three commits with great fixes but with the
>>> problem
>>> that the log message was way too short: In my opinion just mentioning the
>>> issue
>>> number in the commit message makes following the progress of code
>>> unnecessarily
>>> difficult. I suggest to provide at least a rough idea on why something was
>>> changed in the summary, e.g.
>>> #i119951# fix the animation effect of a shape when it has been grouped
>>> would have been much better IMHO.
>> I agree here.
>>  Not having a self-sustaining commit message reduces the quality of the
>>> repository. Adding a bit of redundancy also prevents that a typo such as
>>> transposed digits makes it almost impossible to understand why a change
>>> was done.
>> That is right. I had made a couple of these typos in the past and
>> additional existing text help in these cases a lot.
>>  I also suggest to mention the issue tracker when referring to an issue
>>> number.
>>> In the history of the OOo project there were already three different
>>> bug-trackers were used. E.g. "issuetracker" that has been migrated to our
>>> bugzilla instance was referred to by the 'i' before the bug number such as
>>> #i123456#. Other projects in our ecosystem use similar conventions such as
>>> #fdo12345#. If we want to be good citizens in this ecosystem then we
>>> should not
>>> be egocentric by working as if there are no other trackers and there
>>> never have
>>> been other trackers.
>>> What do others think?
>> As AOO Bugzilla is our intrinsic issue database, I am in favor to mark
>> issue numbers from this issue database without any further letters, e.g.
>> #119951#.
>> In case it is needed to reference other issue databases an identification
>> of these other issue databases makes sense from my point of view.
>> Best regards, Oliver.

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