Herbert Duerr wrote:
> I also suggest to mention the issue tracker when referring to an
> issue number. In the history of the OOo project there were already
> three different bug-trackers were used. E.g. "issuetracker" that has
> been migrated to our bugzilla instance was referred to by the 'i'
> before the bug number such as #i123456#. Other projects in our
> ecosystem use similar conventions such as #fdo12345#. If we want to
> be good citizens in this ecosystem then we should not be egocentric
> by working as if there are no other trackers and there never have
> been other trackers.
Hi Herbert,

yes, I think that would be helpful. There's no pre-Apache history in
svn itself, but the code is full of 'i#12345', '#123456' etc.
references - deviating from that scheme in commit messages appears
needlessly confusing.


-- Thorsten

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