Am 06/22/2012 08:45 AM, schrieb Jürgen Schmidt:
On 6/22/12 7:51 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
On 6/22/12 7:05 AM, Herbert Duerr wrote:

On 06/19/2012 01:18 PM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:
Am 06/19/2012 01:15 PM, schrieb Jürgen Schmidt:
The builds will be made available under

Great to see progress with new Dev Builds.

I would suggest to reuse the old page (rename it first to get rid of the
version number). Then you don't need always to build up a new page and
the download webpage doesn't need to be updated everytime with a new
link which difference is just the version number.

So, a webpage URL name like this would be better and chances to live
longer are much higher. ;-)

I agree, using a page with a stable page name such as the

would be better. That's why I had created it many months ago. I suggest
to add the details of our next development snapshot builds to that page
instead of the short-lived micro-release-specific pages.

you didn't promote this page good enough ;-)

But as I mentioned yesterday I am not very happy with the current
structure and it is not well structured.
I didn't remember that the wiki page is linked from the download page
but that is indeed a good reason to have a more stable page.

I will move the content and will create a further section for the
upcoming 3.5 dev builds as well.

ok, cleanup finished.

You can now find the the dev snapshots for 3.4.1 under

The download page is also updated and link now to

Kay and Jürgen, thanks for your updates and to unify the entry point to the dev builds. I thought to update the download pages now on the weekend but you were faster.

I had inserted a link to the dev builds (as it was in the past) to bring attention to them. Maybe I was not load enough here an the list. ;-)

On 06/22/2012 12:22 AM, Kay Schenk wrote:
Marcus...probably a good idea. I didn't see your post in this thread and
saw we were already a couple of days out on this, so I just changed the
old developer link on download/index.html

Thanks. That was a good idea.
I think you agree that not having to update the link to new snapshot
builds every time would be better?


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