On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 11:34 AM, drew jensen
<drewjensen.in...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy,
> Have been working on an AOO 3.4 CD image - suitable for boosters to use
> as swag, part of individual supports toolbox, etc.
> The work is down to the final stages now and I could use some help in
> the way of input with some of the details.
> THIS IS NOT FINISHED - but in wanted folks to see exactly what I have
> this morning so made use of the sf.net resources to do so.
> Two files added here:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lorepo/files/AOO34/
> cd-aoo34-bin.iso and cd-aoo-34-src.iso
> (again these are NOT intended for distribution yet..)

I just downloaded and burned the BIN image.  Overall this is totally
awesome, a truly righteous and outstanding accomplishment.

But a few quick observations:

1) Is the audience for this end-users?  Conference organizers?  As it
is now it is not clear where to start.  I insert CD and just get the
directory listing.  This is on Windows 7.  Maybe other OS's know to
automatically load index.html from a CD?  Or is there something else
that would trigger this?

2) On index.html, you have under quick install, links with the text,
"I know how".   Maybe just me, but I was looking for a parallel one
saying "I don't know how"

3) Contact.html.  Typos on 2nd header "Questions regardig the Apache
OpenOfice project"

4) You are including all the language installs, but only art work in
English.  It it in your longer term plans to get translations added?


> What's in them currently?
> cd-aoo34-bin.iso
> AOO 3.4 Binaries
> - Windows English(us) full install package
> - All Windows language packs released with 3.4
> - Windows SDK
> Documents, all as PDF
> - Installation Guide
> - Getting Started Guide
> - Administration Guide
> - Basic Programmers Guide
> - Developers Guide
> HTML files
> - Index [home] (started as webstie page - done)
> - Files (started from website page - done)
> - Instructions (not close to done)
> - Conatct [support] (could be done maybe)
> - Release Notes [notes] (copy of webstie page, added one graphic - done)
> - License (not done)
> - java (copy of website page - done)
> - sys_reqs_aoo34 (copy of webstie page)
> - ooo.css and style.css from webstie, 1 changes in each file
> Print ready artwork for packaging
> - Thin / Tall DVD case cover
> - Cut/Fold CD envelope template
> - Pre-fab sleeve cover
> - disk label
> cd-aoo-34-src.iso
> All the files in the cd-aoo-34-bin.iso and the source files tar ball,
> along with changes to a couple of html files.
> -----------
> So - there are things I see to do on each piece here still.
> I do not expect to add any other artifacts at this point.
> For today I want to finish up an the install help page(s).
> Right now though any general feedback on _any_ of it is welcomed.
> Thanks
> //drew

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