A really quick "study" based on number of post on the EN forums that
shows, IMO, some interesting information.

Fist the numbers, then some "analysis" on those numbers. Note, long
post below...


Number of Topics: T
Number of Posts: P
Ratio Posts/Topics: R

Classified By App

T = 11984
P = 61938
R = 5.17

T = 9072
P = 45646
R = 5.03

T = 4858
P = 22895
R = 4.71

T = 1718
P = 7197
R = 4.19

T = 634
P = 2930
R = 4.62

T = 198
P = 1009
R = 5.1

Particular Forums

T = 502
P = 2200
R = 4.38

Setup and Troubleshooting
T = 10048 (MS: 4058; Linux: 1324; OSX: 1119; non classified: 3547)
P = 47644 (MS: 19362; Linux: 6559; OSX: 5352; non classified: 16371)
R = 4.74 (MS: 4.77; Linux: 4.95; OSX: 4.78; non classified: 4.62)

T = 3423
P = 15571
R = 4.55

Discussion Forums

General Discussion
T = 1017
P = 6283
R = 6.18

Site Feedback (including Forum Governance)
T = 344
P = 2635
R = 7.66

T = 44468
P = 225242
R = 5.07


Some quick observations:

- The most used forums are Writer, then Setup and Troubleshooting,
then Calc, then a big gap, then the rest
- There are around 5 messages on each thread on forums dedicated to
the different apps
- Setup problems on Linux need more work than on the other platforms
- Beginners forum have the lowest Post/Topic ratio: 4.38
- Discussion forums have the highest Post/Topic ratios: 6.18 and 7.66

Some quick conclusions from these observations:

- The Post/Topic ratio is always high, which means that interaction
with users is always needed. Solving AOO problems always need a lot of
feedback and investigation. The immediate conclusion is that systems
like stack overflow, yahoo answers and similar will never work here:
those systems are useful when questions have unique answers that you
can evaluate, vote and classify, not when feedback (more information,
sample documents, different trials...) is needed.

- Setup and troubleshooting numbers are perhaps too high: this show
that users have big problems not only using the software, but on
making it run properly. To have so many installation problems, spell
check problems, crash problems... is a bad sign: to take the software
and make it run should be the easiest part. But on the positive side
we have that the ratio is lower than on the other forums: setup
problems are easier to solve than, say, Writer problems.

- As already mentioned, the ratio for Linux setup problems is the
highest. That's not necessarily a problem with our Linux builds: Linux
distros always made a big mess when packaging their highly patched
versions of OOo and now LibO. Problems to install AOO on ubuntu or
fedora because the way they packaged LibO is a good example.

- The low ratio on Beginners forum is a good signal: it means that
real beginners come with simple problems that have an easy solution.
More advanced users have more demanding problems that need more
interaction resulting on the higher ratio on the other forums. But
perhaps the ratio en Beginners forum should be even lower: ideally,
simple problems should have a ratio close to 2 (one question + one

- Higher ratios on discussion forums is good, but maybe not good
enough: most forum users do not engage on discussions, they are only
interested on solving their problems.

- Something else?


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