2012/6/27 Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org>:
> What time period are these counts for?  All time?

All time. Those numbers are a sort of "snapshot" of today situation.

>> Some quick observations:
>> - The most used forums are Writer, then Setup and Troubleshooting,
>> then Calc, then a big gap, then the rest
>> - There are around 5 messages on each thread on forums dedicated to
>> the different apps
>> - Setup problems on Linux need more work than on the other platforms
>> - Beginners forum have the lowest Post/Topic ratio: 4.38
>> - Discussion forums have the highest Post/Topic ratios: 6.18 and 7.66
> Do you have a sense of whether these ratios are different with AOO
> than they were with OOo?

Difficult to say. The forum is working since 2007 and from an user
point of view AOO have only a few weeks, so I do not expect big
changes on the short term. But beside the quickstarter bug, the
problems with English thesaurus and the lack of en_GB localization, I
don't see "unusual" threads, which is a Good Thing.

>> Some quick conclusions from these observations:
>> - The Post/Topic ratio is always high, which means that interaction
>> with users is always needed. Solving AOO problems always need a lot of
>> feedback and investigation. The immediate conclusion is that systems
>> like stack overflow, yahoo answers and similar will never work here:
>> those systems are useful when questions have unique answers that you
>> can evaluate, vote and classify, not when feedback (more information,
>> sample documents, different trials...) is needed.
> It is an interesting point.  However, StackExchange allows
> clarification of the original question, as well as multiple
> "solutions" that are then rated.  But that only suits some problems.
> For example, it would work well for questions about how best code a
> particular macro task.  But not so good for something that needs
> debugging, as you note..  On the other hand, a site that rates
> previous answers and gives them greater position in search might help
> the user solve their own problem without even needed to make a post.
> But that is hard to measure.

Sadly, on my experience "normal users" do not search. At all. So I
don't think a rating system will help.

>> - Setup and troubleshooting numbers are perhaps too high: this show
>> that users have big problems not only using the software, but on
>> making it run properly. To have so many installation problems, spell
>> check problems, crash problems... is a bad sign: to take the software
>> and make it run should be the easiest part. But on the positive side
>> we have that the ratio is lower than on the other forums: setup
>> problems are easier to solve than, say, Writer problems.
> Is it worth collecting the "top 10" issues with 3.4 and making an FAQ
> for this?  We could put it on the download page and the support page
> and pin it as a topic on the forums.

Beside some annoyances that will be fixed on 3.4.1, fortunately we
don't have "new problems" on 3.4. But of course a list with the "most
common problems and their solutions" is a good idea to consider.

BTW: on EN forum there is from now a new section called "User
Experience (UX)" so it's time to increase the ratio on the discussion
forums... :)



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