Dear everyone:

Thanks to all your help,so far I have finished merging the UOF v2.0 source code 
to the Aoo3.4(svn version1354914) both on the Windows and Linux.
The source code is 33 files and about 2M,mainly in 
Now it can work very well in sw,sc,sd. It could load as the uof v2.0 format 
files(uot,uos,uop),also could open them.

thank you,Dennis.
But I have forgotten my password.
I go to the <> and enter my ID number,then click the 
"Forgot your password".
In the new window I enter my ID in the frame which is like this "Apache User",
With that I get the message "Email 
I don't know whether I have the email and I could not log in this 
Could you tell me how to reset my password?

Another question: could I commit the source code to the Aoo3.4 trunk?

best wishes!
>Yes, you are Apache committer hyan@ a.o.  
>You may be required to reset your password in order to make commits to SVN.  
>There was a general requirement to change passwords as the result of a recent 
>security issue.  Simply go to <> and follow the 
>change-password procedure.
>You may want to update your e-mail forwarding for hyan@ at the same time if 
>you have not already done so.
>+1 for how you propose to account for the approach and then carry it out.
> - Dennis
>PS: Ensure that the SVN-client configuration options specify UTF-8 encoding on 
>the committed files, assuming that is needed for the Chinese-language 
>characters included in XML NCNames and their counterparts in the UOF source 
>code.  There may also need to be some experimentation to ensure that any use 
>of Chinese-language characters in source code work through all of the build 
>cases.  I recommend subversion configuration file entries along the following 
>   *.html = svn:mime-type=text/html;;charset=UTF-8
>   *.htm = svn:mime-type=text/html;;charset=UTF-8
>   *.xml = svn:mime-type=application/xml;;charset=UTF-8
>   *.c = svn:mime-type=text/plain;;charset=UTF-8;svn:eol-style=native
>   *.cpp = svn:mime-type=text/plain;;charset=UTF-8;svn:eol-style=native
>(I have not tried the combination of svn:mime-type and svn:eol-style.  
>Experiment is required.)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] 
>Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 05:38
>To: ooo-dev
>Subject: Re: Re: Open the UOF2.0 source codes
>The size of the source code is about 2M,30 files.
>As far as I know, I have the  the commit right in  incubator ooo Project.
>According to your suggestions,I think we should do two things firstly:
>1:Check whether  the code could work in Aoo3.4 based on the Windows and Linux.
>2:Introduce the work we have done on wiki 
>As soon as I complete these works ,I will message to the mail list.
>Thank you.
>best wishes.
>>On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 1:44 AM, Pedro Giffuni <> wrote:
>>> --- Lun 11/6/12, <> ha scritto:
>>> ...
>>>> Data: Lunedì 11 giugno 2012, 00:20
>>>> You are welcome.We hope it will be
>>>> more compatible between the ODF and UOF2.0.
>>>> Could anybody tell me how submit the code?
>>>> --------------
>>> I guess it depends on the size. One option
>>> would be to put up a tarball somewhere, but
>>> perhaps its better to create a branch in SVN.
>>The UOF support is in 30 files, mainly in filter/source/config,
>>filter/source/xmlfilterdetect, filter/source/xsltfilter
>>If a committer can verify that it works, it should be small enough to
>>check into the trunk.
>>Some test documents would help as well.
>>> It would be great if one of our Chinese
>>> commiters takes the lead on this.
>>> Pedro.
>>>> >This is excellent news!
>>>> >
>>>> >Thank you Hongyun An, we are delighted to have this
>>>> huge
>>>> >development for/from the Chinese community!
>>>> >
>>>> >Pedro.
>>>> >
>>>> >--- Dom 10/6/12, <>
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> >>Hi,everyone:
>>>> >
>>>> >My name is Hongyun An and I am serving in CS2C.Since
>>>> 2008,I have worked for the document format
>>>> interoperability.
>>>> >Now I am serving for the China Standard Software
>>>> Co.,Ltd(CS2C).
>>>> >We are going to open the UOF2.0 source codes which are
>>>> researched for years based on OpenOffice.
>>>> >Until now We have send the SGA and the SGA from China
>>>> Standard Software Co, Ltd has been filed in the Apache
>>>> >Software Foundation records.
>>>> >Now  let me tell you what UOF2.0 is and how
>>>> important it is.
>>>> >As a Chinese document format,UOF(Unified Office document
>>>> Format) describes the document format structure basing on
>>>> >the W3C XML Schema,using Chinese character tags.Now UOF
>>>> has a wide range of applications.In China,many departments
>>>> >use the UOF as the compatibility format.
>>>> >UOF2.0 is improved more greatly than UOF1.1. It has a
>>>> better structure, which  is  multi-file
>>>> structure,including uof.xml,
>>>> >meta.xml,context.xml,chart.xml,graphics.xml,rules.xml
>>>> and so on. And UOF2.0 unifies the definition of the public
>>>> properties,
>>>> >supports the multi-language.
>>>> >Until now we  have achieved reading and writing
>>>> the  UOF2.0 documents by modifying the OpenOffice
>>>> source codes and the
>>>> >style sheets.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >Hongyun An
>>>> >Office +8610-51659955-3102
>>>> >CS2C
>>>> >20F,Yingu Building,No.9 Beisihuan Xilu,Haidian District
>>>> Beijing China

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