Except that, we don't have more problems. Actual we already had
success builds (r1355082) on Windows XP (vs2008 pro w/ cygwin), Suse
11.1, Ubuntu 11.04, MacOS 10.6 today. From the above linux 64 and Win7
error message, I am wondering if it needs a fresh autoconf. We saw
similar error messages in an updated Mac source build environment
before, but I am not sure.


On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Andre Fischer <a...@a-w-f.de> wrote:
> On 29.06.2012 10:42, zhangjf wrote:
>> I don't know here which distribution linux32 refers to.  Our build on
>> SuSe 11.1 breaks on serf 1.1 because it has a new dependency on
>> libexpat.so,  we resolved it by installing the libexpat-devel rpm
>> package.
> That should only be necessary if you are using --with-system-serf.
> Otherwise the external version should be used.  I probably broke that when I
> added the --with-system-serf switch.
> -Andre
>> zhangjf
>> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 5:37 PM, Andre Fischer <a...@a-w-f.de> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> there are build breakers on all three platforms
>>> - Windows7
>>> in shell_2:
>>> has ./configure: line 7952: test: : integer expression expected
>>> ./configure: line 7957: test: : integer expression expected
>>> ./configure: line 7962: test: : integer expression expected
>>> configure: error: Compiler too old. Use Microsoft C/C++ .NET 2003/2005
>>> compiler.
>>> could be caused by missing DLLs when the compiler is called to detect its
>>> version.  In that case cl does not print anything.  I have seen something
>>> similar when I tried to use the 2010 dev studio.
>>> - Linux64
>>> in compile_2 there is the line
>>> ./configure: line 11931: test: : integer expression expected
>>> @Andrew: can you post the config.log and configure files so that we can
>>> better analyze the cause of this bug?
>>> - Linux32
>>> the build breaker seems to be caused by my recent changes in
>>> ext_libraries/serf.  It may be sufficient to make a clean build.
>>> @Andrew: can you trigger that?
>>> Regards,
>>> Andre

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