On 05.07.2012 08:05, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012 um 07:16 schrieb Ji Yan:
Technically, I think the release blocker defects should also be integrated
to trunk stream except for those branch stream special issue, such as
119978. So as QA we should ensure the defect is fixed in both branch and
trunk stream.

exactly and we had already some discussion how to manage the workflow.
It seems that the majority prefer fixing an issue on trunk first and merge it 
in the branch on demand if it is a blocker issue.


I would suggest that we add the revision number for both trunk and branch as 
comments in the issue. That will help us to track it easier.

Or does anybody have a better idea?

And if issue references in commit messages could be reliably parsed then this manual copy+paste step could eventually be automated. Please see the mailing list thread "Commit message summaries" for more details on this and related ideas (http://markmail.org/thread/mv4arv432bjdkkqm).


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