On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 1:59 AM, suhail ansari <suhaila...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OpenOffice should be rewritten in JavaFX.

Why do you think it has to be a zero-sum game?. "rewritten in" implies
abandoning the previous code.

I, instead, think a Java-based (whether JavaFX or not, I'll leave it
to the implementators), open source .ODF "document viewer" that can be
launched via .jnlp (JWS ' Java Web Start) from a single click from a
web browser.

That is something that I'd love to see, and I guess the Lotus Symphony
Java components could be integrated with something like this

to create such a lighteweight, Java-based ODF viewer (which could then
feature an "edit" button that would launch the full Apache OO suite if
the user decides he wants to edit the document, and if not available
on the system, launch a web browser pointing towards the
openoffice.org download page).


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