I think the idealism of the OOo community sometimes gets in the way of progress. OO becoming more popular is more important than everyone using the better file format. And if OO does become more popular, many people will use the preferred format.

On 10-Jul-12 11:28 PM, dmc...@btconnect.com wrote:
The spread and promotion of the ODF file formats is too important to not have it as the default format.


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----- Reply message -----
From: "Shmuel Wolfson" <shmue...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 12:43
Subject: Suggestion - file format
To: <ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org>

I have a suggestion for OpenOffice that I think will help it become more popular.

Most users are not very computer savvy. They are afraid of incompatibility so they stick to Word which most people have. Therefore I think the default option when installing OpenOffic should be to save files in MS Office formats.

You could have a dialog box asking the user to select whether they want the default file format to be:

o Files compatible with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) - recommended for users who want compatibility with Microsoft Office

o Files compatible with the open standard - recommended for advanced users

The default should be compatible with Microsoft Office so when the average user just clicks Next, that's what they will get. I know that there is an option to change the default format, but the average user doesn't know that and isn't interested in having to do that step.


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