----- Original Message -----

> From: Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net>
> To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 7:25 PM
> Subject: Re: Java download link on AOO site
> Hi Hagar,


>>  I don't have the time to learn another system again (as some have 
> correctly guessed). Period.
>>  Next time I report a bug, will you ask me to learn how to code and fix it 
> myself???
>>  But thanks, lesson learned, I won't bother this list anymore with this 
> kind of problem, next time I'll file a bug report directly.
> The only lesson anyone should take is that Joe is sometimes harsh. And it has 
> been a difficult process mentoring this project for a solid year.
> I have time to fix what I can on the website from the reports that I see on 
> this 
> list ooo-dev. I do not spend any time looking in Bugzilla for web reports.
> This is a place to discuss what is going on in the community.

Right, well as I said I'm not going to press my point further, other than
to say that I am aware some people will always consider public discussions of
someone's behavior rude, no matter what they did or didn't do.  The particular
lesson about constructive participation and following the docs to scratch your 
itch is something I learned very early on in my open source experiences,
and no I don't consider RTFM-type responses to questions on a dev-list rude
at all.  You write documentation largely as a means of self-defense so people
will read it before occupying your time doing it for them, because it simply
doesn't scale as a mode of operation.  Nobody paid anyone to service their 
so expecting others to do your work for you is anathema.

This predates my experiences with Apache by several years so I'm
probably mischaracterizing it as an Apache-only value.  Whatever,
if you don't want to "encourage" people to fix things themselves
instead of simply filing requests to do it for them that is up to
you at this point.

And no I'm not being condescending, just rude enough to point this out and
blunt enough to expect a different outcome.  My tone throughout is about the
same as it always is, I'm certainly not frustrated or mad or even disappointed
with anyone.

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